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BodyPsychology - Shoulders, Hips and Spine

English (US)
16   CEUs

Valor USD 360,00

BodyPsychology Introduction
Course Overview

The BodyTalk System seeks to address the "whole person." This means that no aspect of the human psyche can be overlooked, be it emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual. The BodyPsychology series delves into understanding the 'mental' aspects of physiology. What is the mentality of the heart, or the shoulders, or any part of the body? And how does that mentality play into disease and illness. Have you ever thought, "What would it be like to be the heart?".

This series of courses will cultivate an understanding of the relationship between physical well-being and psychological well-being of all of the parts of the body. You will experience ‘a day in the life’ of these parts and explore their untold stories.

Understanding the psychology of the body will help connect the dots between disease in the body and your life experience. These courses will show you how the body expresses our psychological make-up. This will bring an important shift in awareness for you so that you will recognize how simply profound this concept is. So much so, that you will look back and say "how did I not see that".

The focus of this BodyPsychology course is the shoulders, hips and intrinsic muscles of the spine.

John Veltheim

John Veltheim is the founder of BodyTalk and co-founder of both the International BodyTalk Association and International BodyTalk Foundation, which helps fund research and offers BodyTalk Access to people in places where healthcare is not readily available.

He is formally trained as a chiropractor and acupuncturist and served as the former Principal of the Brisbane College of Acupuncture and Natural Therapies for 5 years. Dr. Veltheim's extensive post-graduate studies include applied kinesiology and Bio-energetic therapy. He has also studied osteopathy and sports medicine.

His other areas of expertise include counseling, comparative philosophy, and theology. John also has extensive knowledge in the field of quantum physics and Consciousness and has spent much time lecturing internationally on these topics.

Dr. Veltheim has written numerous magazine and journal articles on BodyTalk and in his other fields of expertise. Recently, Dr Veltheim’s work was published in the Journal of Alternative Medicine Research. The journal’s publishers were so impressed with John’s development of BodyTalk, that they dedicated an entire volume solely to articles on BodyTalk.

He is the published author of several books including books about Reiki, acupuncture and BodyTalk. He created BodyTalk course work and developed the PaRama BodyTalk program where science meets healing at the highest level.

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.”

Vince Lombardi

Course Description
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The psychology of the body is deeply anchored in our culture and ways of life combined with the natural, obvious tie-in to the function of that particular part of the body.

The shoulder, for example, has its roots in "carrying our burdens" which was born out of the need to complete our responsibilities so it very much represents responsibility in the many facets of our life. The shoulder, being the dynamic complex character that it is, houses a variety of different types of responsibility. It is made up of several different muscles and supports to flow of a variety of meridian energies thus giving it an array of possible stories. If it is the shoulder issue primarily stemming near the top portion of the shoulder, or aspects that are controlled by the Kidney Meridian, then you likely have ‘fear’ around your responsibilities. This is only one of the many varieties of responsibility that can manifest.

The hips and the intrinsic muscles of the spine are the same. They have a particular psychology that is influencing the way you experience those psychologies within the parts of our life. It is also apparent that certain psychologies create certain profiles and lead to a particular ‘body type’. Or what we may call ‘classic postures’ for each of these psychological manifestations. This will open you up to a whole new understanding of how posture (structure) influences function and subsequently creates disease.

It will also become apparent to you just how dynamic they body is because we will also explore how the shoulder then relates to the hip and how a classic ‘I am fearful of my responsibilities’ shoulder will then influence the hips and the spine. This will unfold further depth to the story of the body and uncover the aspects of life that are being stressed. So the fear of responsibility in the shoulder plays into the ability to provide security in the hips and how that manifests for them in their life and in disease.

Join us for a day in the life of the shoulder, hips and intrinsic muscles of the spine.